上周针对美国国家航空航天局的火星坚持不懈地定位在Jezero Crater的Rover是历史性的,原因是许多原因,主任在任务中寻求古老生命和缓存相关样品的迹象的划船的划船,以便最终回归地球。But even if the rover finds no evidence of Martian microbes during its operations, it will have still produced another spectacular “first” for the textbooks, which NASA officials unveiled today: An unprecedented look at the “seven minutes of terror” between Perseverance’s fiery plunge through the planet’s skies and its coming to rest on solid ground far below. This is the first ever high-definition video of atmospheric entry, descent and landing on another world.

恒定的前任好奇心记录了2012年其火星的最终阶段的片段,导致了短暂的停止运动视频,2005年,Cassini Mission的Huygens兰德从其寒冷的下降到土星的月亮泰坦,将图像和遥测数据从后来用于建造显着的可视化。当然,没有短缺月球着陆镜头来自昔日的阿波罗任务。但是从未有过宇宙飞船在这种茂盛细节中捕获了整个其他世界的整个序列。不仅仅是眼睛糖果,这种数据可能对未来的设计来说至关重要,更雄心勃勃的航行到红色的地球表面,被认为是太阳系最具技术上挑战的着陆目的地之一。
